

  1. You forget a thousand things everyday. How about you make sure this is one of them? -人は毎日多くの事を忘れるものだ。 このことも忘れるんだな-

    2022-09-24 07:56:01
  2. 返信先:@Sakuranyan1627???? ?? ? ????? ????? ????? ??? し ん じゅ く(迫真) ↑これすき

    2022-09-24 14:06:01

  3. 2022-09-24 20:06:02
  4. Told her I really like 価値あるもの, and she said that was her fav this single too. Said I wanted to see the performance, and she said then I should come see them then. Said I wanted to when it's actually possible to go to Japan ?

    2022-09-25 02:16:01
  5. This is 人生ってずっと言ってる曲良過ぎ

    2022-09-25 08:26:01
  6. This isn't that. That isn't this. この隔絶は、単に距離(位相)を入れることでは構成できない。つまり空間的広がりを創ることでは創り出せないのだ。空間自身にはthisとthatを指定できる力がないのだ。せいぜいこの空間がthisであるといったことが言えるだけである。thisとthatはただいきなりある。

    2022-09-25 14:26:02
  7. 今現在のフォーム位置を取得して、条件に合えば

    2022-09-25 20:36:01
  8. 返信先:@pika_ck_this is not 本人 ?

    2022-09-26 02:36:02
  9. さぁ やろうか 何も怖がることはない だってお前が選んだ道なんだろ? 大丈夫 バカになれ 泥臭く生きろ 【Let's start this】

    2022-09-26 08:46:02
  10. OpenSeaに出品してみた。 Check out this item on OpenSea… @openseaより

    2022-09-26 14:56:02
  11. >RT 友人が紹介しているこのお誕生日で発表するポーズをいくつか作っているのですが、気に入ってもらえるとうれしいです。 I have been working on several poses that will be presented at this birthday party that my friend is introducing, I hope you like it.

    2022-09-26 21:06:01
  12. ! ✈️ IMAGE CREATED BY: @p3achsalt ? 3D MODEL CREDITS: 神帝宇, 观海, Lukatoni5, CherryPieWithPoison ?EFFECTS CREDITS: Manashiku, おたもん, Rui, winglayer

    2022-09-27 03:16:01
  13. 我女皇 I vote #Money for #MúsicaInternacional at this year's #SECAwards

    2022-09-27 09:16:02
  14. Don't say this is it Don't say goodbye any more “Stray Cats in the Rain / 野良猫たちは雨の中”

    2022-09-27 15:26:01
  15. 0694 oblivious Kintaro: Let's play another last game! Shiraishi: It seems you are oblivious of your proposal just before starting this game. 金太郎「最後にもう一試合やろうや!」 白石「この試合が始まる前に言うたことはもう忘れてるみたいやなあ」

    2022-09-27 21:36:01
  16. スミス先生ほど沢山の宿題を出す先生はこの学校にいない。 No teacher in this school assigns as much homework as Mr.Smith does.

    2022-09-28 03:36:02

  17. 2022-09-28 09:46:02
  18. a lot of fujoshis, especially east asian ones (jp/tw/chn) ARE cishet women. this is especially true, BL in japan is usually marked as 女性向け (josei muke, curated for women), publishers have always intended for BL consumers to be cishet women.

    2022-09-28 15:56:01
  19. 返信先:@ODouglasPrice他1人Aw, thanks, Douglas. Yes. In this article, Fukushimers who were forced to evacuate say: "事故がどうして起きたのか、誰の責任なのかはっきりさせてほしい" "Please state clearly who is responsible for the (nuclear) accident." The answer being Tokyo Electric (and Japan govt.)

    2022-09-28 22:06:02
  20. 返信先:@utsuroiyuku_私も!!!うん!ちょっとだけww i can read hiragana, katakana and some easy kanji like the ones in this verse!?❤️

    2022-09-29 04:16:01
  21. This is my life! [揺らせ、今を]

    2022-09-29 10:26:01
  22. 返信先:@MAOSHOMAGRYFFIN他1人I want them to leave FS and find other interests, if they hate this sport so much. 海外ファニュがそんなに⛸が嫌いなら早く別の趣味を探して⛸を見るのやめてほしいですね。

    2022-09-29 16:26:02
  23. henry (henri? ヘンリー) henderson, personality: ELEGANT haaaa i recognise his VA to be a dramatic narrator for a lot of other anime and this is the MOST unhinged i've ever heard his voice be it's lovely seeing boys having fun

    2022-09-29 22:36:02

  24. 2022-09-30 04:46:02
  25. この部屋の隅に観賞植物を置きたいんです。 In this corner of the room I'd like to put a house-plant.

    2022-09-30 10:56:01
  26. @guanidyl I have just finished reading a novel that has a title taken from a quote by 莊子: "知止乎其所不能知,至矣。若有不即是者,天鈞敗之." ? in English this quote sounds very cool

    2022-09-30 17:06:02
  27. this stream has concluded, if you enjoyed, please consider subscribing and following to not miss the next stream and keep up to date on twitter このストリームは終了しました。もしお楽しみいただけたなら、次のストリームを見逃さないために購読とフォローをご検討ください。

    2022-09-30 23:16:01
  28. thisコミュニケーション6巻読んだ

    2022-10-01 05:26:01

  29. 2022-10-01 11:26:02

  30. 2022-10-01 17:36:02